Tackle The Tower 2024

Southend Hospital Radio was proud to support Tackle The Tower 2024 at Southend University Hospital, and one of our team, Charlie Palmer, tackled the Tower himself.

Here are some extracts from our coverage:

Tackle The Tower 2024 Video

Tackle The Tower 2024 Interviews

Tackle The Tower – Feature broadcast 18 May 2024 (17 minutes)

Tackle The Tower 2024 Photos

Tackle The Tower 2024

Tackle The Tower 2024

Tackle The Tower 2024

View from the 10th floor – looking down!

The Southend Hospital Radio team for Tackle the Tower 2024

The Southend Hospital Radio team for Tackle the Tower 2024

Tackle The Tower 2024

Charlie’s Challenge

Southend Hospital Radio’s own Charlie Palmer took the challenge!!

Charlie, getting ready for the descent!

Charlie, getting ready for the descent!

Charlie, on his way down

Charlie, on his way down

Charlie, safely back on the ground

Charlie, safely back on the ground

View from the wards

Our thanks to Debbie Ann Miller from some photos taken from her window on Shopland Ward, whilst listening to Southend Hospital Radio – Some great photos!

Ward Photo - Thanks to Debbie on Shopland Ward

Ward Photo - Thanks to Debbie on Shopland Ward

Ward Photo - Thanks to Debbie on Shopland Ward

Ward Photo - Thanks to Debbie on Shopland Ward

Ward Photo - Thanks to Debbie on Shopland Ward

Ward Photo - Thanks to Debbie on Shopland Ward

Ward Photo - Thanks to Debbie on Shopland Ward

And finally!

Essex Pets As Therapy Dog supporting the event

Essex Pets As Therapy Dog supporting the event

Well done to everyone involved with this event for their hard work and bravery!

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