Pay Your Membership

The annual fee for volunteer membership to Southend Hospital Radio is currently £25 per year, payable from the 1st of January each year. Members joining after 1st July are only required to pay for the half-year.

Here are the various ways you can pay:

Pay by PayPal

You can pay us by PayPay, using the box below:

New to PayPal? You don’t need a Paypal account.

Pay by Bank Transfer

If you can’t pay by PayPal and need to make a BACS transfer instead, please contact the Treasurer for the account details

Don’t forget Gift Aid!

After you’ve renewed, please take a minute or so to complete the following Gift Aid form, as we can claim back some money from HMRC: Online Gift Aid Form


If your circumstances mean that paying your membership fee may be a problem, please contact Trevor (Membership Secretary) to see if we can help.